Thursday 10 April 2008

Catch Up

Its been a busy week.
I had a go on mario kart for the Wii the other day and i will be buying this game on the day of release it packs in all the mario kart fun with the addition of bikes, new weapons and online play. The controls take a while to get used to with the Wii wheel but work very well when you get the hang of it more on this game on release.
Rock Band will finally be hitting the UK on May 23rd on Xbox 360 exclusively but with a price of around £180 for the instruments and the game I think EA has just lost a lot of respect as this is double the US price so unfortunately there will be no review up on that game unless EA make some major changes.
GTA IV is out soon and multiplayer is now on the table and sounding hot. Deathmatch and new modes like cops and robbers will keep me playing this game for a lot longer than before.
In conclusion Well Done to Nintendo and Rockstar I look forward to your games and EA you need some price lessons and to learn how big the difference is between £180 and $169.

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